NEIGHBORING: Learning to be a better neighbor to each other, our places and our planet

A collection of essays, poems, doodles and ideas to help us reimagine what it means to be a neighbor to each other, in the places we live and for our planet. Available now in paperback or as a free PDF download.



LIVING CLOSE: A Zine About Being Near Each Other

A short zine about how nice it would be to live near each other.

READING STORIES: Fiction is Good 4 U

A zine to gently remind you to put down the self-help books (just for now) and read some stories instead. Inspired by a 24-hour zine challenge run by Available as a free PDF download.

Wood-Fired Hot Tub Vibes

A digital zine, inspired by being influenced by an influencer.


2022, A Zine

A tiny 8-page handcrafted zine to welcome 2022. Inspired by a zine challenge run by my local library.

Happy New Year

A digital zine to close out 2020 with a few things that had been a balm for my tender heart.


100 Index Card Project

Well, it’s not really a zine, but it could be. In 2020 I decorated a new index card every day for 100 days, and you can check them out if you’d like.